Welcome to St. Thomas More!
St. Thomas More, a man for all seasons, a school for all children.
Educating children Preschool through 8th Grade
Founded in 1960 by the Sisters of Mercy, St. Thomas More Catholic School has served as a beacon of faith-based learning among Omaha schools. Located in mid-city Omaha, St. Thomas More Catholic School welcomes families from all backgrounds. The mission of St. Thomas More Catholic School is to provide spiritual formation in the Catholic faith, to educate students according to the highest standards of academic excellence, and to form a strong foundation of life-long habits that will build strong character and self-discipline.
Outdoor Nature Classroom
A Learning Garden for All
Our space, currently still under construction, gives children the opportunity to learn outside of their typical indoor classroom setting.
As the children enter the gate to the nature classroom, they will be greeted by a "Jesus Loves the Little Children" garden statue (a gift from our 2021 8th graders!). There will be a perennial flower garden surrounding this statue, and will run along a path where teachers and their students will have the opportunity to visit stations displaying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. There will also be many hands-on opportunities to engage children both mentally and physically. All ages will enjoy working and learning in this new space at STM.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Did you know? St. Thomas More is one of the only Catholic schools in the Omaha area to offer Catechesis of the Good Shepherd during the day, which all pre-K through second grade students here get to experience.
Overall, STM students experience a robust curriculum that includes study in traditional coursework and an array of electives, all designed to challenge our students and provide an exceptional learning environment.
A Curriculum Built On Values
St. Thomas More school strives to provide an atmosphere in which our students can grow in their relationship with Christ and others as well as, instructing students in the Catholic faith and traditions.
St. Thomas More provides a curriculum within each grade level that cultivates growth in each child academically and creatively wherein a student can learn, develop and reach their full potential.
With an environment wherein each child recognizes his/her own self-worth and fosters within a healthy self-image allowing students to develop basic skills while emphasizing fairness and critical thinking for the physical and social development of each child.
What We Believe at St. Thomas More Catholic School
We believe that it is important to bring a Catholic faith perspective into all curriculum areas and that all faculty and staff demonstrate a positive faith life for students and colleagues.
We believe that open lines of communication need to be in place to effectively educate children.
We believe that through a diverse learning environment, all students will have the opportunity to succeed.
We believe that students should develop the self-discipline necessary to become responsible community-minded adults.
We believe that students should acquire the proficient technological skills that allow them to access and process information so that they can apply what is learned to be responsive to ongoing changes in technology. Currently the campus has full wireless internet access as well as a 3:1 computer access ratio.
We believe that students should acquire an appreciation for learning to express their creativity through the fine arts. St. Thomas offers a wide range of fine arts programs.
We believe that service to the community is key to living a life that is Christ-filled. Our service efforts take many forms and include supporting the rights of the unborn, poor, aged, sick, and marginalized. St. Thomas More is unique in that we are guided by the charisms of Courage, Holiness, Intellect, Leadership, and Service.