Scrip Program

Fundraiser for St. Thomas More Parish by putting your everyday household purchases to work by using Scrip.

What is Scrip?
Scrip cards are simply gift cards that our parish purchases at a discount and then we sell to you at full face value.  You receive the full face value from your purchase and St. Thomas More gets a percentage of the sale.  Scrip is available for grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, and a variety of other department, home improvement, and entertainment stores.

How does the Scrip Program work? 
Our Scrip retailers provide rebates between 2 percent and 20 percent.  So, for example, if you buy a $50 face/5% rebate grocery Scrip card, then you can purchase $50 in groceries and St. Thomas More receives a $2.50 rebate.  If you buy $50 face/20 percent dining card, then you can enjoy a $50 dining experience and St. Thomas More enjoys a $10 rebate. You will receive a credit on next year's tuition that is equal to 50% of the total rebate earned.

What retailers are available for purchase through the Scrip Program?
We have Scrip in stock for several retailers.  For a full list of available retailers check out our Scrip Order Form.

Scrip is also available online at by using the RaiseRight app.  Signing up is simple, you will need to first create a ShopWithScrip account.  Go to and click on the 'Register' button at the top of the page.  Next, click 'Join a Scrip Program'.  You will then need to enter our organization's unique enrollment code.  You can obtain this code by emailing the scrip coordinator at This code allows the ShopWithScrip system to link your account activity with our organization.  Next fill in all the required information and click 'Register'.  You will be asked to select two challenge questions and provide answers, which will be required if you forget your password.  Keep in mind that your answers are case-sensitive.

Ways to purchase Scrip?

  1. At the Parish Office Monday through Friday during regular hours.
  2. Before and after the 10:30am Sunday Mass.
  3. On your computer.
  4. On your smart phone.
  5. If using your computer or smart phone, you need to sign up at and register for PrestoPay.