STM Athletic Program
St. Thomas More Catholic School provides an opportunity for all students to participate in a wide variety of sports. The athletic program is operated by STM parents through the STM Athletics Committee. Students participating in the STM Athletic Program learn more than how to hit, kick, shoot or throw, they learn valuable life lessons like fair play, teamwork and sportsmanship.
STM Athletics offers:
- Soccer and micro-soccer (boys and girls in ALL grades!)
- Volleyball (girls in grades 3rd through 8th)
- Basketball (boys and girls in grades 1st through 8th)
- Coach-pitch/Fast-pitch/T-ball Softball (girls in all grades!)
- Baseball/T-ball (boys all grades!)
All coaches and parent volunteers, must complete the Archdiocese Safe Environment Training. If you plan to have any interaction with the players during practices or games, please complete this certification. All head coaches must provide the sports coordinator with a complete list of all coaches and volunteers so that they can be cleared prior to working with the children. You can find more information on this link Safe Environment Training.
STM Athletics Club Monthly Meeting
Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 5:30pm STM Library
The next monthly meeting for the Club will be Wednesday October 9th, 2024 at 5:30pm in the STM Library/Media Center.
Future Meetings:
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 5:30pm
Wednesday, December 11th, 2024 5:30pm
Nebraska Concussion Awareness Act
The Nebraska Concussion Awareness Act requires that parents and student athletes be provided information on concussion and brain injury.
Below is the required information. After reading the information, parents are required to sign the Verification of Receipt of Concussion and Brain Injury information form, that is included in the packet, and return it to the coach, school or rectory.
A Signed verification form must be on file before a student will be allowed to play or practice with all STM athletic teams.
- Concussion Information Form
- Parental Permission to Return
- Verification of Incident
- Verification of Coach Training
You can find out more about the law by visiting the Nebraska Sports Concussion Network.
Coaches Training Links & Forms
Below are links to free online concussion training courses (20-25 minutes). After completing training, please fill out the Coaches Verification of Training form and return it to your sport coordinator or the parish rectory.
Training must be completed by ALL coaches and assistant coaches BEFORE practice may begin.
Steven Faulkner
Vice President
Nick Pitsch
Matt Sullivan
Vanessa Urbach
Faith Coordinator
Jerry Hassett
(402) 650-0360
Concession and Volunteer Coordinator
Ashley Sandoval
Soccer Directors
Jessica Ousey
Megan Prokupek
Volleyball Director
Andrea Carbonell
(402) 739-0996
Basketball Director
Jacob Moore
Baseball & Softball Director
TBD - please contact us if you are interested!